What’s your vision for the Free Software Foundation? Fill out their survey
As I mentioned a few weeks ago , 2015 was the Free Software Foundation’s (FSF) thirtieth year defending and advancing computer users’ rights. They are taking the occasion of this significant anniversary to start a year-long intensive process of reviewing where they are: Taking stock of their current initiatives, making sure they have appropriate metrics and desired outcomes associated with each one, and assessing how they use their resources in light of that information. With a clearer sense of where they are, they can improve their efficiency, and do a better job at prioritizing what’s most important. Being able to clearly demonstrate their successes will in turn lead to more resources, enabling to expand and take on more projects.
The free software community has sustained the Foundation throughout these decades and been deeply involved in their work. They continue to rely on the expertise of the free software movement to inform their initiatives and strategies. Taking the first step into their next thirty years, they want to hear our feedback, our suggestions, and our vision for the future of the FSF.
The survey takes only five to fifteen minutes to complete, and it will be up until the end of January. The FSF eagerly awaits the results, and they plan to publicly share insights from them.
It’s important that this survey reach a large and diverse range of people who use free software or care about it. Please share it by whatever means will reach your friends best: Social media (hashtag #fsfsurvey), e-mail, IRC, or word of mouth.